Teacher & Parent Resources
A quick guide for teachers and parents to incorporate these sessions into your virtual curriculum and at-home teaching.
What to expect
When are sessions taking place?
Live sessions with employers will take place at 3:30pm PT every school day from May 4 to June 12.
How long are sessions?
Live sessions will last 30-45 minutes.
How can students view sessions?
What will be covered during sessions?
Topics will vary each day. Sample topics include: discussions of employee career paths, big challenges organizations are seeking to solve, or a deep dive into the skills and training needed to qualify for real jobs.
How will sessions be structured?
Each session will include a ~20-minute presentation from the employer and ~10 minutes for Q&A with students.
Connecting to the classroom
To facilitate discussions with your students, here are some questions you can incorporate to extend these live sessions.
What career(s) did you learn about in the session(s)?
What did you learn about the training and education needed to be ready for this job?
What did you learn about the industry covered today?
Does this industry interest you? Why or why not?
What new questions do you have about this industry?
What did you find interesting about this employer and the jobs you heard about?
If you didn’t find this career / employer interesting, why not?
What about this career / employer isn’t the right fit for you?
What does this tell you about what you should be looking for instead?
What skills or talents are necessary for this job?
What characteristics or skills do you have that could help you reach this job?
What is one class you are taking right now that could help you prepare for this career and the jobs you heard about today?
What is a class you can take next year to continue on this path?
Has this changed your view of what jobs you are interested in?
What are some steps you can take today to learn more about the jobs you heard and the employers presenting?
When looking at the CareerConnect@Home schedule, which session(s) are you most interested in coming up?
What questions would you like to ask this employer?